Equalities Working Group

Our Equalities Working Group is currently convened by Kirsty Graham (keg4) - please contact them to be added to the Slack and email list!

Our next meeting will be on Tues, June 7th at 10:00-11:00
and is open to all members! Email keg4 for the meeting link.

We started in Spring 2021, and so far have reviewed HR policies, organised Teach Outs, and conducted a members’ survey to identify important areas to focus on. We are building up to disability and anti-racism campaigns in 2022.

Branch attendance at UCU CPD:
Collectively challenging disability discrimination

Thursday 09 June 2pm-3.30pm to join please register here

Our branch Equalities Working Group will be attending this interactive webinar as a group, with the aim to continue local work to challenge disability discrimination. The recently published University of St Andrews’ Staff Disability Policy is up for review in August, and we hope to strengthen it with input from us members. Please join the working group in attending this CPD and building our local campaign around accessibility.The full aims of the interactive workshop are to:

  • Know more about what is meant by disability

  • Understand the social model of disability promoted by the UCU

  • Explore how we can all challenge disability discrimination in the workplace.

For information about joining the Equalities Working Group, please email keg4; or if you have any questions about the CPD, please email gpickard(at)ucu.org.uk