Dispute over Pay, Casualisation, Workload, and Pay Inequality
UCU is currently in dispute with university employers over issues of pay and working conditions (workload, inequalities and casualisation) across the university sector. Staff pay has been cut by 25% since 2009 whilst the people running our universities have seen massive pay increases. In 2022 fifteen university leaders across Scotland received combined pay rises of £300,000. Here at St Andrews our Principal received the largest pay increase of £44,000, taking her salary to £342,000 for 2021-22. Meanwhile, overwork, insecurity, and unequal pay are impacting our work and students’ learning.
Under pressure from strike action in 2023, employers made a pay offer worth between 4 – 5%. This was rejected by UCU members as it still represents a massive real-terms pay cut relative to inflation. In April 2023 UCU members across the UK began a national Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB). This is legally mandated industrial action short of a strike (ASOS). The MAB came to end at the beginning of September 2023. A marking and assessment boycott involves not undertaking any summative marking or assessment activities/duties. This form of action does not impact learning and teaching activities or formative feedback. We only ever undertake industrial action as a last resort and staff have continued to work full-time throughout the boycott.
In response to the MAB, our employer (the University of St Andrews) withheld large amounts of our pay (50% during May and June, 30% during September). Degrees were awarded with incomplete marks under a no-detriment policy, meaning two students with exactly the same marks could receive different degree classifications. Staff morale is at an all-time low.
At the start of August 2023 employers announced that they would not make any attempt to restore punitive pay deductions for staff who have boycotted marking, nor will they make any improved pay offer.
There is a useful FAQ about the MAB from UCU here, and our local FAQ is available here. Information for migrant members taking action is here.
Past 2023 strike dates: Feb 1, 9-10, 14-16, Mar 15-17, 20-22
Past 2022 strike dates: Feb 14-18, 21-22 & Feb 28-Mar 2, Mar 21-25, Nov 24, 25, 30
(& Dec 1-3, 2021)
What actions can members take?
Inform students about the disputes
Update your out-of-office and email signature
Download and share UCU social media resources
Email ucu@st-andrews.ac.uk to be added to the branch Slack!
Start a WhatsApp/Signal/Slack chat group with other members
What can students do?
Share your support on social media (UCU social media resources)
Send messages of support and solidarity to university staff!
Find out more from your Students’ Association website
Fighting Fund
If you can, donate to the local hardship fund through direct bank transfer:
Account number: 20391883, Sort Code: 608301If you need, you can apply to the local hardship fund - information and application form here (see also the privacy notice)
You can also donate to the national fighting fund
If you need, apply to the national fighting fund (Here’s more info about applications for the current dispute)